A song of love that you sang ~ When I lived in an orphanage


original title[きみとうたった愛のうた~児童養護施設でくらしたあの頃に~

“We are judged only by the circumstances, regardless of whether they are good or bad.”


The author himself grew up in an orphanage.
She uses the experiences she gained in orphanages as manga to highlight the social and human figures from a child’s perspective.

We readers say, “It’s best and beloved to live in the same house as your parents.”
It turns out that we need to get rid of the terribly self-righteous and subjective delusion.

The idea is based on the experience of a person who grew up normally in a normal family with normal parents.
It’s a thought that kills many children who are suffering from the toxic parents somewhere in the world right now.

Was your home more love, justice, and a healthy spirit than an orphanage?
Is your home more loving, justice, and a healthy spirit than an orphanage?

The right to have a family may not be included in the human rights that should be guaranteed to everyone.

Did Henry Lee Lucas‘ parents need the right to have a family?
I do not think so.

Regarding the guarantee or deprivation of the dignity of an individual in modern society, it is not an ignorant humanitarianism, nor a religion without scientific basis.
Shouldn’t it be decided by rational discussion based on the accumulation of knowledge and wisdom?


“If the children in the facility are happier than at home
More parents will be willing to let go of their children. “
“Children in the facility must be pitiful for adults”



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