At that time, the existence of Nintendo’s NES still existed.
“Toys for children”
“It’s embarrassing for adults to play.”
It was the situation.
At that time, a publisher launched a media mix business called “comicalizing games.”
It’s a comicalized version of The Legend of Zelda, which now has fans all over the world!
The person in charge of drawing is a person who draws 18 prohibited sexual comics
As for the story, due to the convenience of the book, the content is quite original.
How accurate was Nintendo’s branding check? There are many places where I have doubts.
From the perspective of current Zelda legend enthusiasts and fundamentalists, this work may seem like a blasphemy or insult to The Legend of Zelda.
I would like to introduce it as “a work with high material value regarding the legend of Zelda sleeping in Japan”.
Front Cover.
The front cover features the protagonist, Link, and the back cover features Princess Zelda.
What kind of image do you all have of Princess Zelda and Link?
The first image that comes to my mind is Link and Princess Zelda (Sheik) from Super Smash Bros. on the GameCube.
Opening color page.
Princess Zelda sneaks out of the castle to meet a man named Rune. Princess Zelda says, “I don’t need the castle or being Princess Zelda. As long as I can be with you, that’s all I need.”
As you all know, the consequences of young Princess Zelda’s actions, where she disregards her duties as Zelda, are well known.
The scene depicting the introduction of Link, the protagonist of The Legend of Zelda.
Link: “I’m not an elf. I’m a half-elf.”
While nowadays there is an official setting that identifies Link as a “Hylian,” back then, when the setting wasn’t fully established, in the comic adaptation, Link was portrayed as a half-elf. This was due to the lack of a solidified setting at the time.
The charm of older works lies in being able to enjoy the roughness and ambiguity of the “early content when the world was not fully defined.”
今ではリンクは「ハイリア人」という公式設定がありますが、当時はまだ設定が固まっていなかったため、コミカライズの際にもリンクはエルフのハーフである。 という設定で描かれています。
The scene where Link obtains the White Sword.
Link: “The final Triforce was buried in the hidden ruins. I’m glad I picked it up!”
The White Sword, with its highly original interpretation. Why was Link able to immediately understand that it was a sword?
Its size, shape, and overall appearance are all far removed from what a typical human would handle.
リンク「最後のトライフォースが隠れていた遺跡に埋もれてたんだ。拾ってきてよかった!」 非常に独創性のある解釈をしたホワイトソードです。 なぜ、リンクはこれをみてすぐに「剣である」と理解できたのか? 大きさ、形、どれも人間が扱うべきものとはかけ離れています。