original 女子攻兵
【Synopsis】 “Joshi Kōhei” is a story set in a peaceful kingdom that becomes embroiled in a war with a neighboring country. The protagonist is a young girl named Sakura Fujiwara, who lost her family due to the war. With her strong will and talent in swordsmanship, Sakura joins a specialized unit called the “Joshi Kōhei,” comprised exclusively of women.
The Joshi Kōhei undergo rigorous training to defend the kingdom and face off against the enemy nation. Sakura bravely confronts the battlefield alongside her comrades and gradually grows stronger. They employ unique tactics and skills specific to women, facing numerous challenges and enemy strategies.
While facing various trials amidst the war, Sakura and the Joshi Kōhei deepen their bonds and discover their own beliefs and missions through the battles. The story also depicts the tragedies and sacrifices of war, progressing with a mix of realism and emotional impact.
【Highlights】 Here are the highlights of “Joshi Kōhei”:
- Strong and beautiful female characters taking the spotlight: Each member of the Joshi Kōhei possesses captivating qualities, and their growth and combat scenes are filled with intensity.
- Tense combat sequences: The manga offers plentiful action and combat scenes, featuring meticulous paneling and dynamic action sequences.
- Protagonist’s growth and human drama: The central focus revolves around Sakura’s journey of struggle and personal development, with depictions of her inner conflicts and emotions.
- Fusion of fantasy and realism: Although set in a fictional war-torn world, the manga skillfully combines elements of human drama and realistic portrayals of war, striking a balance between fantasy and reality.
“Joshi Kōhei” is an action-packed manga that delivers both excitement and emotional depth. It celebrates the achievements of female characters and provides a realistic portrayal of war. Amidst the harsh circumstances of war, the courage, bonds, and growth of the main characters are beautifully depicted in this series.
And, up until now, the explanations given were all deception. In reality, all the girls appearing in the story are humanoid weapons, with male soldiers piloting them within the brain compartment.