original トクサツガガガ
The manga depicts adult women who have a preference for tokusatsu programs, which are typically aimed at children. Their hobbies and interests often get denied or dismissed by society, family, and partners, so most of them keep their interests secret and desperately try to conceal them.
You can enjoy the bittersweet experiences of these women as they navigate their passions and struggles.
In recent years, the manga has been adapted into a live-action drama, which has also been well-received in the market and achieved a certain level of success.
子供向けの特撮番組を好む大人たち、特に大人の女性達を描く漫画です。 彼女らの趣味、好みは 社会や家族やパートナーによって否定されることが多いため、 彼女らのほとんどは、自分の趣味を人に言いません。必死で隠し通そうとします。 そういった彼女らの悲喜交交を堪能することができます。 近年、実写ドラマ化され、そちらも市場に受け入れられ、ある程度の成功を収めました。